Please Note: This is a new blog and is currently under constructution so please pardon the fact that much of the content has yet to be populated.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Thursday, 8 September 2016
A2: Paper 3 - Unit 2: Environmental Management
All students need to know the following:
#TedTalks #AllanSavory
- To understand the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy resources
- To understand why levels of supply and demand for energy resources vary at the national level.
- To examine trends in the patterns of energy consumption in LEDCs and MEDCs.
- To understand the environmental impact of energy production, transport and usage at the local scale.
- To understand the environmental impact of energy production, transport and usage at the global scale.
- To examine and evaluate the supply of electrical energy in one country at two scales (overall national energy strategy & Named located energy scheme)
- To understand the nature and causes of the many types of pollution
- To distinguish pollution from environmental degradation
- To analyse the factors which have led to degradation of rural environments
- What are the causes and consequences of misuse or overuse of rural land.
- to examine and evaluate policies designed to improve the quality of degraded rural environments.
- To understand why selected urban environments have become degraded
- To understand the relative success or failure of policies designed to address urban environmental degradation.
- To have knowledge of risk factors affecting environments, environmental protection policies and their impact.
- To acquire detailed knowledge of one degraded environment
#TedTalks #AllanSavory
Friday, 26 August 2016
A2: Paper 3 - Unit 1: Production, location and change
All students need to know the following:
- To understand the concept of an agricultural system
- To understand factors affecting agricultural land use and practices
- To know case studies of intensive and extensive agricultural production
- To be aware of agricultural change (intensification of production and extension of cultivation)
- To understand the reasons for industrial location
- To study the processes leading to industrial change, growth and development.
- To understand the character, and reasons for hte development of industrial estates and export processing zones (EPZs)
- To learn about the improtance of the informal sector (manufacturing and services)
- To understand the basis of industrial policy
- To evaluate the success of the industrial policy.
AS: Paper 1 - Unit 3 - Settlement Dynamics
All students need to know the following:
- To be able to understand the difference between urban and rural
- To understand the relationship between urban and rural.
- What are the reasons and consequences for growth/decline in rural areas
- To know a case study of a rural settlement
- To understand the process of urbanisation
- Understand the concept of a 'world city'
- To understand the structure and dynamics of urban areas
Settlement Revision Video Clip
Thursday, 25 August 2016
AS: Paper 1 - Unit 2 - Migration
All students need to know the following:
- To understand the meaning of the migration (internal, and external etc.)
- To be able to classify the different types of Migration
- To be aware and understand the various reasons people migrate (push and pull factors)
- Full understanding of a case study on international migration
Key Words
- Migration
- Push Factors
- Pull Factors
- Constraints
- Intervening Obstacles
- Barriers
- Rural-Urban
- Urban-Rural
- Intra-Urban
- Inter-Urban
- Stepped Migration
- Voluntary
- Forced
- Sorce Area
- Recieiving Area
- International Migration
- Regugee
- Asylum Seeker
- Economic Migrant
- Migrability
- Mobility
- International Migration
- Migration Stream
- Mass Migration
AS: Paper 1 - Unit 1 - Population
All Students need to know the following:
- To understand population distribution and density
- To understand terms such as 'natural increase' and 'natural decrease' of population and how this leads to population change
- To understand replacement level to maintain populations
- Factors that influence birth rate and death rate (economic, social, environmental and political factors)
- To understand the different types of population structures (demographic transition model DTM)
- To be aware of the Historical growth of population.
- To be aware of population debates both in relation to positive and negative effects of increasing population.
- Understanding of basic concepts such as Overpopulation, Underpopulation, Optimum Population
- What is sustainability
- Case Study on Population Management.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Top Geography Websites
Everyone learns in different ways and we are living through the age of the technological revolution. So in this smart phone "can't function without wifi" world we are living in, why not click on one of the below links to help enhance your learning.
IGCSE Geography Past Papers
A Level Past Papers
2016 IGCSE Geography Syllabus
2017 - 2019 IGCSE Geography Syllabus
2016 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
2017 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
2018 - 2020 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
National Geographic
Volcano Explorer
BBC Bitesize Geography
Map Skills
Greenfield Geography
Urban Case Studies
Rural Geography
Cultural Geography
Making Maps
Google Earth
Real Climate
Discovery News
Met Eireann
Geographical Society of Ireland
World Atlas
Geography 4 Kids
Dot Earth
Before The Flood
Comfortably Unaware - Dr. Richard A Oppenlander
Cowspiracy - The film that environmental organisations don't want you to see!
IGCSE Geography Past Papers
A Level Past Papers
2016 IGCSE Geography Syllabus
2017 - 2019 IGCSE Geography Syllabus
2016 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
2017 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
2018 - 2020 AS & A Level Geography Syllabus
National Geographic
Volcano Explorer
BBC Bitesize Geography
Map Skills
Greenfield Geography
Urban Case Studies
Rural Geography
Cultural Geography
Making Maps
Google Earth
Real Climate
Discovery News
Met Eireann
Geographical Society of Ireland
World Atlas
Geography 4 Kids
Dot Earth
Before The Flood
Comfortably Unaware - Dr. Richard A Oppenlander
Cowspiracy - The film that environmental organisations don't want you to see!
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Environmental Risks of Economic Development
Unit 10: Environmental Risks of Economic Development
All students should be able to:
All students should be able to:
- Describe how economic activities may pose threats to the natural environment both locally and globally.
- Describe the need for sustainable development and management.
- Describe how economic activities may pose threats to the Natural environment, locally and globally. (Global Warming, Desertification, Pollution, Soil conservation, Population Policies, Sustainable Living, Sustainable Cities, sustainable Tourism, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Management of the Rainforests, etc.)
- Demonstrate the need for sustainable development and management.
- Understand the importance of resource conservation.
- Know a case study of an area where economic development is taking place causing the environment to be at risk.
Energy and Water IGCSE
Unit 9: Energy and Water
All Students should be able to:
All Students should be able to:
- Describe the importance of non-renewable fossil fuels, renewable energy supplies, nuclear power and fuel wood, globally and in different countries at different levels of development.
- Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power and renewable energy sources
- Know a case study of energy supply in a country or area.
- Describe methods of water supply and the proportions of water used for agriculture, domestic and industrial purposes in countries at Different levels of development.
- Explain why there are water shortages in some areas and demonstrate that careful management is required to ensure future supplies.
- Know a case study of water supply in a country or area.
Tourism IGCSE
Unit 8: Tourism
All students should be able to:
- Describe and explain the growth of tourism in relation to the main attractions of the physical and human landscape.
- Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of tourism to receiving areas.
- Demonstrate and understanding that careful management of tourism is required in order for it to be sustainable.
- Know a case study of an area where tourism is important.
Food Production and Industry IGCSE
Unit 7: Food Production and Industry
All students should be able to:
All students should be able to:
- Describe and explain the main features of an agricultural system. (inputs, processes and outputs)
- Know a case study of a farm or agricultural system
- Describe how economic activities may post threats to the natural environment, locally and globally
- Recognise causes of food shortages and describe possible solutions to this problem.
- Know a case study of a country or region suffering from food shortages
- Demonstrate and understanding of and industrial system: inputs, processes and outputs (products and waste)
- Describe and explain the factors influencing the distribution and location of factories and industrial zones.
- Know a case study of an industrial zone or factory.
Development IGCSE
Unit 6: Development
All students should be able to:
All students should be able to:
- Use a variety of indicators to assess the level of development of a country.
- Identify and explain inequalities within and between countries.
- Classify production into different sectors and give illustrations of each.
- Describe and explain how the proportions employed in each sector vary according to the level of development
- Describe and explain the process of globalisation and consider its impacts.
- Know a case study of a transnational corporation (TNC) and its global links
Weather, Climate and Ecosystems IGCSE
Unit 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems
All students should be able to
All students should be able to
- Describe how weather data is collected.
- Make calculations using information from weather instruments.
- To use and interpret graphs and other diagrams showing weather and climate data.
- Know a case study of an extreme weather event.
- Describe and explain the characteristics of tropical rainforest and hot desert ecosystems.
- Know a case study of an area of hot desert and tropical rainforest.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Rivers and Coasts IGCSE
Unit 4: Rivers and Coasts
All students should be able to
All students should be able to
- Explain the main hydrological characteristics and processes which operate within rivers and drainage basins
- Demonstrate an understanding of the work of a river in eroding, transporting and depositing
- Describe and explain the formation of the land forms associated with these processes.
- Demonstrate and understanding that rivers present hazards and offer opportunities for people.
- Explain what can be done to manage the impacts of river flooding
- Know a case study of the opportunities presented by a river, the hazards associated with it and their management.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the work of the sea and wind in eroding, transporting and depositing
- Describe and explain the formation of the land forms identified with these processes
- Describe coral reefs and mangrove swamps and the conditions required for their development
- demonstrate an understanding that coasts present hazards and offer opportunities
- explain what can be done to manage the impacts of coastal erosion
- Know a case study of the opportunities presented by and an area of coastline, the hazards associated with it and their management
Earthquakes and Volcanoes IGCSE
Unit 3: Earth quakes and Volcanoes
All students should be able to explain the following
- Describe the main types and features of volcanoes and earthquakes
- Describe and explain the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes
- Describe the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on people and the environment
- demonstrate and understanding that volcanoes present hazards and offer opportunities for people
- Explain what can be done to reduce the impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes
- Know a case study of an earthquake and a volcano
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Settlement IGCSE
Unit 2: Settlement
All students should be able to explain the following:
- Explain patterns of settlement
- Describe and explain the factors which may influence the sites, growth and functions of settlements
- Give reason for the hierarchy of settlements and services
- Know a case study of settlement and service provision in an area
- Describe and give reasons for the characteristics of land use in urban areas
- Explain the problems of urban areas, their causes and possible solutions
- Know a case study of an urban area (changing land use and urban sprawl)
- Identify and suggest reasons for rapid urban growth
- Describe the impacts of urban growth on both rural and urban areas, along with possible solutions to reduce the negative impacts
- Know a case study of a rapidly growing urban area in a developing country and migration to it
Population IGCSE
Unit 1: Population Dynamics
All Students should be able to :
Population Revision Video Clips
All Students should be able to :
- Describe and give reasons for the rapid increase in the world's population
- Understand the causes and consequences of over-population and under-population
- Know a country which is over-populated
- Understand the main causes of a change in population size
- Give Reasons for contrasting rates of natural population change
- Know a case study of a country with high population growth and a country with a low rate of population growth or decline
- Describe and evaluate population policies
- Explain and give reasons for population migration
- Know a case study of an international migration (Mexico to the USA)
- Identify and give reasons and implications of different types of population structure
- Describe the factors influencing the density and distribution of Population
Population Revision Video Clips
Year 9 Geography
Welcome to Year 9 Geography. Below is a list of important items you need to bring to EVERY lesson.
Geography Lesson Check List

End of Year 9 Revision
Geography Lesson Check List
- Textbook: geog.3 4th Edition
- Copybook
- A4 Plastic/Zip Document Wallet
- Pens 2 black/blue 1 red/green
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Sharper
Topic 1: From Rocks to Soil
Rocks to Soil - Revision Check List
- What is a mineral?
- What are the 3 main rock groups, and how do they form?
- Am I able to draw a labelled diagram of the rock cycle?
- What is Weathering and what are the different types of weathering?
- What are plates and how are they moving?
- How does rock type influence the landscape?
- What is soil and what are the different layers of it?
- Why is soil so important?
Topic 2: Living off the Earths Resources
The Earth's Resources - Revision Check List
- What is the difference between a renewable and non-renewable resource?
- Do I know all my Key Words?
- Why is fresh water distributed so unevenly around the world?
- What is the difference between physical and economic water scarcity?
- What is desertification and how can we help prevent it?
- Where in the world are the main oil reserves?
- Can I list at least 5 renewable sources of electricity?
- Why is solar power so important?
- Why is solar power effective in poor countries?
- How are there so many species at risk of extinction?
Topic 3: Earning a Living
Earning a Living - Revision Check List
Earning a Living - Revision Check List
- Do I know all of my key words?
- What are the four different employment sectors?
- How come employment structures change over time?
- What does Globalisation mean?
- How come so many jobs were lost in manufacturing in the UK?
- Why is Bangladesh one of the worlds leading clothes manufacturers?
- Explain how all employment sectors are involved in making your mobile phone?
International Development
End of Year 9 Revision
Year 8 Geography
Welcome to Year 8 Geography, you were shown the ropes last year so you have all developed an appreciation for the subject. Below is a list of important items you need to bring to EVERY lesson.
Geography Lesson Check List
- Textbook: geog.2 4th Edition
- Copybook
- A4 Plastic/Zip Document Wallet
- Pens 2 black/blue 1 red/green
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Sharper
Topic 1: GIS (Geographical Information Systems)
GIS - Revision Check list
- Do I understand the term GIS?
- Who is Dr. John Snow and how did he help solve the mystery of the Cholera outbreak in 1854?
- What is Software?
- What is Data and how does GIS depend on Data?
- GIS is shown in Layers, what does this mean?
- How is GIS linked to Longitude and Latitude?
- What is a Post Code?
- Can I give at least 4 examples of how we can use GIS?
Topic 2: Population
Population - Revision Check List
- What is the average population of the planet?
- Do I understand all of the Key Words?
- Why is the population of the planet so unevenly distributed?
- What does life expectancy mean, and how does it change?
- What problems will the earth face if the population keeps rising/falling?
- Does the rising population impact the earth and its resources?
Topic 3: Urbanisation
Urbanisation - Revision Check List
- Do I understand all of the Key Words?
- What was the Industrial Revolution?
- How did the Industrial Revolution affect Manchester?
- Why did the population Rise, fall and rise again in Manchester?
- What are Slums?
- Do most people around the world live in urban or rural areas?
- What is the difference between a push and a pull factor?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of living in an urban area?
- What is a sustainable city?
Topic 4: Coasts
Coasts - Revision Check List
- What causes waves?
- How do waves shape the coast?
- Do I know all of the Key Words?
- Do I know how all the different coastal features are formed?
- How do people use land along the coast?
- What is a Storm Surge?
- Why do some parts of the coastline erode faster than others?
- What are the different types of coastal defence that we use?
Topic 5: Weather and Climate
Weather and Climate - Revision Checklist
- What is the difference between weather and climate?
- What are the 3 different types of rainfall?
- How can we measure the weather?
- What are the different weather instruments and how do they work?
- Do I know all of my key words?
- What kind of weather will High and Low pressure bring?
- What other factors influence climate?
- Can I give examples of different climate regions around the world?
End of Year Revision
Year 7 Geography
It is important that you come prepared for every Geography lesson, below is an important list of items of what you will need for class.
Geography Lesson Check List

At the end of each topic we will complete a class test, below are the list of topics and PowerPoint's we will be using for each unit throughout the year. You will also find a revision checklist to help prepare you for your assessments.
Geography Lesson Check List
- Textbook: Geog.1 4th Edition
- Copybook
- A4 Plastic/zip Document Wallet
- Pens - 2 blue/black, 1 green/red
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Sharpener
At the end of each topic we will complete a class test, below are the list of topics and PowerPoint's we will be using for each unit throughout the year. You will also find a revision checklist to help prepare you for your assessments.
Topic 1: It's Your Planet
It's Your Planet - Revision Check List
- What is a settlement, and what is the difference between urban and rural?
- What is the distance around the Equator?
- What is the average temperature at the core?
- Can you name the 9 planets?
- What are the 3 main types of Geography, and can you explain them?
- Can you explain how the earth can change by human and physical processes?
Topic 2: Maps and Mapping
Maps and Mapping - Revision Check List
- What is a map?
- What is Scale?
- What are the five main elements of a map?
- What is a Map Key?
- How can I get four and six figure grid reference?
- Can I measure straight and curved line distance on a map?
- Do I know my compass directions?
- What are lines of Latitude and Longitude?
Topic 3: Glaciers
Glaciers - Revision Check List
- What is a Glacier
- How does a Glacier form?
- What are the two types of glacier?
- Do I know all of my Key Words?
- How do Glaciers shape the land?
- What landforms do Glaciers create (erosion, transportation & deposition)?
- How do I recognise Glacial landforms on a map?
- Why are Glaciers so important to us?
Topic 4: Rivers and Flooding
Rivers and Flooding - Revision Check List
- What is the Water Cycle?
- How does Rainfall feed the river?
- Do I know all of my Key Words?
- How do rivers shape the land?
- Can I draw labeled diagrams of all the landforms shaped by rivers?
- How do we use rivers?
- What causes floods?
- How can we protect ourselves against flooding?
Break it down! - The IGCSE Geography Exam
We complete 3 papers for the Geography IGCSE Exam, Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 4 (Paper 3 is field work, which we are going to introduce next year)
Paper 1
Paper 1 is the most important paper for the geography exam as it carries the most marks it is worth 45% (75 marks) of your total grade. You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete the paper. All of the topics covered are divided into three themes and you must answer ONE question from EACH theme.
It is very important that you read through the full paper and pick ONE question from each theme. BE VERY CAREFUL if you answer two questions from the same theme you will only be awarded marks for your best answer, so straight away you will lose 25 marks!
Paper 2
Paper 2 is all about geographical skills, you will be tested on your ability to read maps, diagrams, graphs, data/tables and text (newspaper articles etc). You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete the paper. It is worth 27.5% (60 marks) of your total grade.
There are 6 questions on this paper. Question 1 is always Map Skills and this carries the most marks (20 marks), The remaining five questions are on various different topics and are worth 8 marks each. It is very important that you answer ALL questions
Paper 4
Paper 4 is the alternative to course work written exam which you take instead of completing the coursework assignment (Paper 3). There are 2 questions on this paper (30 marks each) and you must complete ALL questions. You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete the paper and it is worth 27.5% (60 marks) of your total grade.
The 2 questions will be based on the three themes from paper 1, so while you will not have gone out and done the coursework physically, you will be expected to
To help you to maximise your performance on this paper is it a very good idea to practice and use various geographical instruments which will help you in the written exam.

Important Website Links:
The Cambridge International Exam, Geography Syllabus
IGCSE CIE Geography Past Papers
Paper 1
Paper 1 is the most important paper for the geography exam as it carries the most marks it is worth 45% (75 marks) of your total grade. You will have 1 hour 45 minutes to complete the paper. All of the topics covered are divided into three themes and you must answer ONE question from EACH theme.
- Theme 1 - Population /Migration and Settlement
- Theme 2 - Plate tectonics, River Processes, Weathering, Marine Processes, Weather, Climate and Ecosystems
- Theme 3 - Agriculture Systems, Industrial Systems, Leisure and Tourism, Energy, Water and Development.
It is very important that you read through the full paper and pick ONE question from each theme. BE VERY CAREFUL if you answer two questions from the same theme you will only be awarded marks for your best answer, so straight away you will lose 25 marks!
Paper 2
Paper 2 is all about geographical skills, you will be tested on your ability to read maps, diagrams, graphs, data/tables and text (newspaper articles etc). You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete the paper. It is worth 27.5% (60 marks) of your total grade.

There are 6 questions on this paper. Question 1 is always Map Skills and this carries the most marks (20 marks), The remaining five questions are on various different topics and are worth 8 marks each. It is very important that you answer ALL questions
Paper 4
Paper 4 is the alternative to course work written exam which you take instead of completing the coursework assignment (Paper 3). There are 2 questions on this paper (30 marks each) and you must complete ALL questions. You will have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete the paper and it is worth 27.5% (60 marks) of your total grade.
The 2 questions will be based on the three themes from paper 1, so while you will not have gone out and done the coursework physically, you will be expected to
- understand how a typical coursework is organised
- have a good knowledge and understanding of a wider variety of data and collection techniques and skills which might be used in the fieldwork
- use geographical skills, knowledge and understanding to help interpret and analyse results from the data presented to you in the paper
- comment on any patterns shown
- formulate conclusions based on evidence presented
- evaluate how a particular study was carried out
- make suggestions as to how the study could be improved
To help you to maximise your performance on this paper is it a very good idea to practice and use various geographical instruments which will help you in the written exam.

Important Website Links:
The Cambridge International Exam, Geography Syllabus
IGCSE CIE Geography Past Papers
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Why Study Geography?
Geography is one of the most internationally accessible courses to study, covering Human, Physical, Economic and Social aspects of how the world works. In secondary school, you will be expected to study a variety of topics on all the above-mentioned types of Geography
Top Ten Reasons to Study Geography!
1.To Know Where you are!
This might sound silly but so many people don't know their location on the planet; by studying geography you will learn all about the different continents and countries of the world, so you will be able to locate them on maps at a glance!
2. Learning Map Skills
We are living in an age of technological revolution, so these skills may seem like they are not necessary anymore. However your Sat Nav does not magically have all of the information within it, geographers work hard to gather all of this information and data and input all of this to the GIS (Geographical Information System). Learning Map skills will improve your spatial awareness skills and will benefit you if you are ever lost without access to WiFi to help you find your way home!
3. It helps you understand the News
You will find it very difficult to understand the news if you don't know your geography, Geography helps you to put current events into context. For example, whenever the name of a city is mentioned on the news, you will be able to relate to how close that area is to you, what country/continent it is on!
4. Travel
Every now and then we will all get the travel bug and want to visit different places around the world, knowing your geography can enhance each travel experience as you will be spatially aware of various things around the world, and the location of famous places to visit.
5. We all love to talk about the weather!
When there is nothing else to talk about it is always handy to chat about the lovely day outside. By understanding the different climates around the world we are all able to understand why different places around the world experience different types of weather and have different types of plants and animals living in these climates.
6. Physical Geography
Physical Geography is cool! Knowing how the Earth's plates move, causing volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis is simply fascinating. It's also handy as you will know what to do if you ever experience one of these geographical hazards! Knowing about rocks, soils, rivers, coasts and the ocean is important to understanding how natural changes occur.
7. People
There are over 7 billion people living on the planet; to know how we live and the different parts of the world we live in will make you question things like: Is there enough food and water for everyone? How come some countries are very rich and some are very poor?
8. Understanding your Home
By studying Geography it allows you to understand your surroundings in various ways. For example towns and cities are almost always built beside a river, can you think why?
9. Understanding Globalisation
The world is getting smaller, not physically; however the speed at which information, goods, services and people move around the world is getting much faster. For example in 1953 it took five days for the news of Edmund Hillary conquering Mount Everest to reach London. Today it would take seconds!
10. Your Future!
Understanding Geography and having a grasp on geographical skills can help you in your every day life. Geography is a fantastic subject to be used as a stepping stone into a variety of professions from Meteorology to Teaching to journalism, the list is endless!
Top Ten Reasons to Study Geography!
1.To Know Where you are!
This might sound silly but so many people don't know their location on the planet; by studying geography you will learn all about the different continents and countries of the world, so you will be able to locate them on maps at a glance!
2. Learning Map Skills
We are living in an age of technological revolution, so these skills may seem like they are not necessary anymore. However your Sat Nav does not magically have all of the information within it, geographers work hard to gather all of this information and data and input all of this to the GIS (Geographical Information System). Learning Map skills will improve your spatial awareness skills and will benefit you if you are ever lost without access to WiFi to help you find your way home!
3. It helps you understand the News
You will find it very difficult to understand the news if you don't know your geography, Geography helps you to put current events into context. For example, whenever the name of a city is mentioned on the news, you will be able to relate to how close that area is to you, what country/continent it is on!
4. Travel
Every now and then we will all get the travel bug and want to visit different places around the world, knowing your geography can enhance each travel experience as you will be spatially aware of various things around the world, and the location of famous places to visit.
5. We all love to talk about the weather!
When there is nothing else to talk about it is always handy to chat about the lovely day outside. By understanding the different climates around the world we are all able to understand why different places around the world experience different types of weather and have different types of plants and animals living in these climates.
6. Physical Geography
Physical Geography is cool! Knowing how the Earth's plates move, causing volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis is simply fascinating. It's also handy as you will know what to do if you ever experience one of these geographical hazards! Knowing about rocks, soils, rivers, coasts and the ocean is important to understanding how natural changes occur.
7. People
There are over 7 billion people living on the planet; to know how we live and the different parts of the world we live in will make you question things like: Is there enough food and water for everyone? How come some countries are very rich and some are very poor?
8. Understanding your Home
By studying Geography it allows you to understand your surroundings in various ways. For example towns and cities are almost always built beside a river, can you think why?
9. Understanding Globalisation
The world is getting smaller, not physically; however the speed at which information, goods, services and people move around the world is getting much faster. For example in 1953 it took five days for the news of Edmund Hillary conquering Mount Everest to reach London. Today it would take seconds!
10. Your Future!
Understanding Geography and having a grasp on geographical skills can help you in your every day life. Geography is a fantastic subject to be used as a stepping stone into a variety of professions from Meteorology to Teaching to journalism, the list is endless!
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