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Thursday, 21 April 2016

Year 9 Geography

Welcome to Year 9 Geography. Below is a list of important items you need to bring to EVERY lesson.

Geography Lesson Check List

  • Textbook: geog.3 4th Edition 
  • Copybook
  • A4 Plastic/Zip Document Wallet
  • Pens 2 black/blue 1 red/green
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Sharper 

Topic 1: From Rocks to Soil

Rocks to Soil - Revision Check List

  • What is a mineral?
  • What are the 3 main rock groups, and how do they form?
  • Am I able to draw a labelled diagram of the rock cycle?
  • What is Weathering and what are the different types of weathering?
  • What are plates and how are they moving?
  • How does rock type influence the landscape?
  • What is soil and what are the different layers of it?
  • Why is soil so important?


Topic 2: Living off the Earths Resources

The Earth's Resources - Revision Check List

  • What is the difference between a renewable and non-renewable resource?
  • Do I know all my Key Words?
  • Why is fresh water distributed so unevenly around the world?
  • What is the difference between physical and economic water scarcity?
  • What is desertification and how can we help prevent it?
  • Where in the world are the main oil reserves?
  • Can I list at least 5 renewable sources of electricity?
  • Why is solar power so important?
  • Why is solar power effective in poor countries?
  • How are there so many species at risk of extinction?


Topic 3: Earning a Living

Earning a Living - Revision Check List
  • Do I know all of my key words?
  • What are the four different employment sectors?
  • How come employment structures change over time?
  • What does Globalisation mean?
  • How come so many jobs were lost in manufacturing in the UK?
  • Why is Bangladesh one of the worlds leading clothes manufacturers?
  • Explain how all employment sectors are involved in making your mobile phone?

International Development

End of Year 9 Revision


  1. dear mrs ralph this website is so useful thank you for doing that website to help students

  2. where is the revision powerpoint for year 9?

    1. Hi Anas, as stated in class last week I said it would be up Sunday Evening at the latest! it's up now!

  3. Hi Mrs Ralph, I find your website very useful. wonder when will you upload the other topics, unit 5 our restless planet unit 6 Russia etc.
    Thank you so much for making my teaching planning a lot more easier. Great Job.
